October 2024

  /    /  October

Chris Edwards Cato has released the 17th biennial Fiscal Report Card on America’s Governors. The report grades the governors on their tax and spending records since 2022. Governors who have restrained taxes and spending receive higher grades, while those who have increased

One sign of a fraying society is that its laws increasingly become political tools. The latest round involves Democrats trying to use criminal law in a very questionable way to try to put Donald Trump in prison, while Trump promises

In its so-called war against “hate,” the state determines who are the villains and then instructs everyone else to hate the “haters.” As one might expect, the state then engages in a campaign of vilification and intimidation against the newly-designated

Chris Edwards The federal “tax gap” is the amount of taxes owed but not paid on time, which is loosely viewed as the amount of tax cheating. The IRS has released a new estimate showing that the tax gap is down as a share